Your website probably tells potential clients how to get in touch with you, but does it demonstrate why they should? One way to quickly establish yourself as a helpful resource is to provide frequently asked questions, complete with thoughtful answers.
You might start with a list for buyers and another one for sellers. Or, if you have a specialty like property management or commercial realty, you might begin with an FAQ targeted to your niche. Then explore other subjects that you talk about often with clients. For instance, information about area neighborhoods can assist customers with their research while also branding you as a local expert.
Sharing that expertise could help your site rank better with search engines, too. Questions and phrases that people search for can form a natural part of your FAQ section. Site visitors are likely to spend more time on your page if you provide engaging content, and that may help with SEO. And including links between topics and pages makes it easier for readers to navigate while also giving search engines a better map of the structure and content of your site.
Don’t forget to include calls to action! Questions lead to more questions, so there are lots of opportunities in an FAQ for prompting readers to ask things you love to hear, like How can we work together?
If we give the consumers all the answers online, they won’t CALL or EMAIL us directly?